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dall'antica tradizione siciliana

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"Nocellara del Belice"

extra virgin olive OIL
- Campobello di Mazara -

"Nocellara del Belice" undergoes double processing to produce both the table olive and the olive oil. The Extra Virgin olive oil produced by Keolive Società Cooperativa s.r.l., based in the heart of Valle del Belice, is extremely pure and natural (test proof). It is, in fact, a real juice made from carefully selected olives. This oil offers an intense fruity taste, with a remarkable fragrance and freshness. The olives are harvested from the trees by hand and the processing takes place within a few hours of harvesting.
After cold pressing the olives, the oil is left to decant naturally so as to enhance its sensorial characteristics. The oil is bottled without the addition of preservatives.

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Exclusive and very intense


Keolive Extra Virgin olive oil is natural and extremely… healthy!!! Its very low acidity level (on average 0.2% and always less than 0.5%) makes it particularly suitable for people suffering from digestive disorders or high cholesterol.

This oil contains natural antioxidants that slow down the ageing cycle of our body. Furthermore, thanks to the high content of oleic acid, it protects the heart and the arteries and it slows down brain ageing, preventing arteriosclerosis.

Chiusura per ferie

Il Ristorante Pizzeria Speranza rimarrà chiuso per ferie dall'8 al 31 agosto

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bottles and aluminium cans

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Do you want more INFO about our extra virgin olive oil?
Do not hesitate to contact us!


Chiusura per ferie

Il Ristorante Pizzeria Speranza rimarrà chiuso per ferie dall'8 al 31 agosto

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